Gary Lambourne
Hi, I’m Gary. I’ve had a lifelong interest in aircraft and ships, especially ones designed and built in the UK.
Visits to museums and airshows as a child and teenager introduced me to the the world of aviation art. The paintings I saw on display appealed to me because of how technical detail and accuracy are combined with atmosphere, to create stunning artworks which capture a moment from history. This form of realistic, researched and detailed art interested me much more than any other style of art I had seen.
Of course, in common with so many other people, I was happy to admire the works of renowned aviation artists whilst believing such skill and ability was unachievable for someone like me. Sadly, art ‘lessons’ at school were nothing more than an exasperated teacher battling disruptive students for an hour a time, with little meaningful tuition being given. Hobbies like drawing or assembling model kits in my free time as a teenager gave way to ordinary work after I left school, and for several years my only link to aviation art was a few signed prints hung on the wall.
During the winter of 2021 I decided on a whim to order a handful of acrylic paints and a pack of A5 canvas, expecting the results to be terrible and I wouldn’t show anyone.
The results were terrible, but unusually for me, I did show someone. They encouraged me to continue, so I dived headfirst into the world of online tutorials and demonstration videos, and my art journey began. Other subject matter that appeals to me includes anything with a nautical theme, British wildlife, and science fiction. With such a wide range of potential subjects to paint, it’s hard to know what to choose next.
The great thing about art is there is always much more to learn, and I will never have all the answers!